Is marketing to Gen Z buyers much different than marketing to millennials? It might be, but some of the methods might be exactly the same.

Shoppers in Generation Z were born between 1997 and 2012 and are a growing segment of the youngest car buyers in the market. Unlike the buying styles of Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials, the marketing efforts should be much different from the previous generations. If you want to get these younger buyers excited about the automotive industry, you’ve got to appeal to them and what they desire.

A comprehensive digital strategy

This young and upcoming generation does their homework, and they do it quickly. They often begin the car-buying process online with extensive research into videos, reviews, and social media posts. These shoppers will visit your dealership’s website and comb through your inventory before ever considering a trip to the dealership. Because Gen Z shoppers start their search online, your dealership must have an active and comprehensive digital strategy to reach these shoppers. These customers are most likely to engage in a text conversation rather than making a phone call.

Online is the way to go

When you’re marketing to Gen Z do you offer them the ability to purchase a vehicle online? Some of these younger shoppers would rather complete the entire task of shopping and buying a vehicle using online services. If your dealership utilized contact-free shopping with cars delivered to customers and virtual test drives during the coronavirus pandemic, you might want to offer these services today. Many younger shoppers prefer to complete as much of the car-buying process as possible through online services and platforms.

The first real luxury generation

Although most Gen Z shoppers are young and still studying or working toward a higher income level, this generation is the first to consider luxury models more than traditional budget-friendly cars. In fact, a study by CDK Global reports that 39% of all Gen Z shoppers are likely to buy a luxury brand vehicle. This is higher than every generation that came before them. This shift could be due to the additional parental support given to these new drivers and the change in value system as a result of increased social media content consumption.

Personalized engagement is a must

If you’re marketing to Gen Z car buyers, you need to provide a personalized engagement experience for each customer. This is true of every generation of car shoppers, but it is mostly true for these younger buyers. This means using reports and analytics provided by your many data systems that help you dig into each customer’s needs, motivations, and preferences. Using lead management systems, you can track the customer journey through your system to help turn that lead into a sale through personalized engagement.

Brands and ethics are less important

The Gen Z shopper is often portrayed as a generation of activists who will boycott a company based on organizational ethics, but this doesn’t seem to be the case when it comes to automotive choices. The brand loyalty of their parents and grandparents doesn’t mean anything to this generation, which will switch between car brands for a better experience and value. This means dealerships must offer significant value if they expect to attract these younger buyers.

Video is extremely important

The days of reading entire newspapers and digesting all of the contained information are over. When marketing to Gen Z car buyers, your video content could be much more impactful and important than written content. There’s still a place for your written blogs and articles, but your younger shoppers might be influenced much more by your videos on YouTube and various social media platforms. This shift has many led automotive companies to grow their presence on video-based platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Be present on social media

Some car dealerships have social media accounts but aren’t present or active on those accounts. Sure, they post something every few days to give their audience information, but they forget to engage with the comments, answer questions, or learn more about what their audience desires. It’s important for someone on the dealership staff to handle the social media engagement piece and connect with potential customers who are asking questions or making comments on various posts. Being present on social media says a lot to the Gen Z shopper.

These are only a few strategies to help bring in the younger Gen Z generation. Will you use any of these marketing tips to engage with your Gen Z shoppers and help them choose your dealership for their car-buying experience?

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