Automotive SEO

Utilize Visual Search to Help Customers Find Your Products

Utilize Visual Search to Help Customers Find Your Products

Visual search shopping is relatively new, but since it has been around for a few years, it’s been developed and improved to be easier to use.

This type of search allows you to use images and photos to search for products rather than using keywords that are normally put into search engines. This can make shopping much easier for your customers, but are you utilizing visual elements to help your shoppers find you?

Tips to Implement Visual Search Into Your Marketing

If a customer can simply snap a photo of an item, possibly something they see being worn, and instantly know where they can buy it, the search is easy. This could take a shopper from desire to purchase much more quickly than if they have to research products and what companies are selling them. Here are some tips to make it easier for you to find what you want through visual means:

Use Original Product Images

One way for your products to match better with images that your customers might take is to use original and organic images. Try to take photos for your website of the items being used in real life rather than using the generic photos that come from the manufacturers. This allows search engines to match up your products to the images of your customers more easily.

Use Multiple Images

Products can be captured from various angles and the best way for a search engine to match it for you is to have a catalog of images from different angles and in different lighting. The closer a search engine can match up images the better chance your company will be the one selected for the top of the visual search results. This can turn into valuable leads that turn into sales.

Ensure Images are Part of Your Sitemap

You want the search engine to be able to easily scan your site to find the images that can help with the search results. TO do this, you need to add images to the sitemap and create a large image library of photos that have been organized to be the product results. Doing this can bring your website much closer to the top of the first page when a customer searches while using an image of a product.

Check the Quality of the Content

Using visual content isn’t much different than using textual content. You need to offer your audience high-quality images to give customers the look and confidence needed to buy from you. Attracting the search engine through visual search methods is only the first part of your strategy. Offer your shoppers the right look on your website that will make them want to buy from you.

Optimize Your Social Media

Using social media with images of the products you sell can easily be optimized to allow customers to simply click on the image and be sent to your website. If your posts are fully optimized, you can use them with influencers, add them to your sitemap, and make it simple for potential leads to be brought to your website. Make the most of your social media posts.

Create Unique Image Titles

Titles shouldn’t be too long, but you want them to describe the product to make it easier for users and search engines to find your website. It’s also important for you to include alt text to help readers who rely on screen readers and browsers that block images to still find your products on your website through the use of visual search. Spend time creating the titles that will reach your audience with the best descriptions.

Add Keywords to the Titles and Alt Text

Using keywords will certainly improve the search engine results. This is one of the most important ways for you to optimize your images for this type of search. Focus on long-tail keywords to allow the keywords to be the most descriptive for your images so that customers can find your site and buy products from you more easily.

Use the Right Image Type and File Size

Larger images load slower on mobile devices and cause your potential customers to turn to another website for the products they are looking for. Try various image sizes and file types to figure out which one is best for your website. This will help your customers feel more comfortable with visual search to shop for the products that you’re selling. Help your shoppers with images that load quickly.

This post may contain affiliate links. Meaning a commission is given should you decide to make a purchase through these links, at no cost to you. All products shown are researched and tested to give an accurate review for you.

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