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PPC 101: Everything You Need to Know About PPC

PPC 101: Everything You Need to Know About PPC

Every course that has 101 in the title is made to be a beginner’s approach, and that’s what we have for your PPC education here.

You’re not going to receive all of the information you need or an exhaustive list of topics but have the highlights of what you need to understand when it’s time to put this online advertising process to work so that you can benefit from Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing.

Have You Created a Website?

You might not think you have to be told to create a website, but there are several companies that try to benefit from this type of marketing without a website. Your ads need a place to send shoppers when they click on the links you offer. That’s where your website comes in. The more compelling your site is, the more likely you’ll offer the landing pages and deals your users want to enjoy.

Track the Progress of Your Advertising

Whether it’s for PPC or you’re tracking another type of advertising, you need to have the right tools in place to track your progress. You can tailor yours to track conversions, leads, and where shoppers are on your site. You’re paying for the clicks on your ads, it’s imperative that you know where those clicks go and where they end, hopefully in a sale.

Control How Much You Spend

One of the most attractive features of pay-per-click marketing is the fact that you can set a budget and know that you’re not going to overspend. Some companies don’t know how much they spend on advertising because they don’t manage the budget. This type of marketing makes it easy for you to set up a budget and limit the among you spend. You can always change this number as needed.

Understand the Path for Your E-commerce

When you want your PPC advertising to work for your shopping feed, you need to establish your position on an e-commerce site and make sure you are ready to receive orders before you begin to run ads. Think about the path your customer will take when they click on your ad and make sure the process is seamless from start to finish so that you don’t miss out on sales.

Create a Focus List of Products or Services

You’re paying for the advertising, and you want to get the most out of it. To start with, you should focus on your most popular products and services to increase the visibility and sales for those items. You can work toward your less popular items later when your budget expands. The best way to get the most out of pay-per-click is to initially offer what shoppers select the most often.

What is Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

It might not sound like an important part of the process, but what you offer customers that they don’t get from other companies is extremely important. You could offer free shipping, a free gift, free returns, price matching, or a money-back guarantee when not satisfied with the product. This should be communicated in your PPC advertising to ensure your ads perform well on search engine results pages.

Are You Targeting a Specific Geographic Location?

If you have a physical store and can’t ship products or you’re a service provider, you have a limited reach in your geographic location. Ensure your ads are using geotargeting to attract shoppers in this area. You don’t want to pay for clicks that take place in a location you don’t have the ability to serve with your products or services.

Use the Right Keywords

Your PPC advertising needs to be keyword-centric to give you the terms that your shoppers will be looking for when they want to buy an item or take advantage of a service. The same keywords you use in your SEO content can be used for your pay-per-click marketing to give you the impact you’re looking for. Start with the tight list of top-performing keywords and expand from there, similar to how you market your products.

Get Started and Let Your Ads Work for You

With Pay-Per-Click advertising, you have the capability to control how much you spend and where your ads are shown. This is one of the most impactful and easy-to-measure ways to advertise online. Get started with the information given here and see where your ads are taking your shoppers. This is a great way to increase your reach and profits without spending a lot of extra money.

This post may contain affiliate links. Meaning a commission is given should you decide to make a purchase through these links, at no cost to you. All products shown are researched and tested to give an accurate review for you.

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