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Make Social Media Work for Your Local Business

Make Social Media Work for Your Local Business

How can you make social media work for you? Isn’t this simply engaging with others around the world through online platforms?

Can social media be the right way for you to invest your advertising money? If you want to see profits go up and customers flock to your website, you’ll want to make sure your social media marketing is supporting your business the right way.

You Must have a Plan for Success

As Benjamin Franklin once famously said,“ If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. You must start anything you want to be successful at with a plan. This includes finding the right way to make social medial work for you. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some ideas:

• Set goals and objectives for social media

• Research your competition

• Audit your current social media presence

• Find the inspiration needed to create amazing posts

• Create a calendar for social media posts and stick to it

These simple steps will likely get you moving on your social media and begin to see the growth you need to be successful.

Which Platforms will Make Social Media Work for You?

The same audience isn’t on every social media platform. Some are on Facebook while others prefer Twitter. Some age groups may like Instagram over Snapchat or enjoy engaging with others via YouTube. While these five are the major platforms, you might find some benefits to TikTok videos, LinkedIn, or Google+. You don’t have to create an all-or-nothing approach, some platforms are great for specific posts while other posts are better on different types of accounts.

Use Social Media to Build Relationships

There is a vast audience waiting for you on the various social media platforms, you just have to put in the work. If you want to make social media work for you, you have to put in some time of your own. This means getting to know your audience, building and expanding that audience, and fostering relationships with individuals and companies. If you’re operating a brick and mortar location, your audience should consist mostly of local users but if you can ship products around the globe or offer services online, your audience can be much larger.

Be Aware of the Trends

As you build your social presence online, you’ll notice some trends that go in and out of the pages many times. You can create posts around these trends and give your audience more of what they are looking for, but make sure you don’t stick with a trend longer than you should. While posts can be trendy, you may want to focus on the reasons people are using social media which are:

• To share photos or videos with others

• To fill up spare time

• To find funny or entertaining content

• To stay in touch with friends

• To stay up-to-date with news and current events

If your posts are trendy and meet one or more of these reasons, you’re doing what you can to make social media work for your business.

Take Advantage of the Benefits of Social Commerce

Social media is no longer just a place for families and friends to share silly stuff or family photos, it has grown to be a place where many companies can advertise and sell products and services. Use the benefits of social commerce to offer your audience the products you have for them. Facebook Marketplace is one of the most popular places to advertise and sell items to customers around the world and it is a great place for you to begin.

Quality Varied Posts Will Get More Attention

Some of the work you have to put in so that you can make social media work for you includes the type and quality of the posts you create. Focus on quality over quantity, but make sure you post regularly. Use different formats so that every post doesn’t look the same. If all you saw on a feed was the same person showing you different cars in the same way, you might not spend much time watching the videos that are posted. If a varied approach is used, you’ll enjoy these videos more and stay engaged with the content.

Employ the Right Tools to Make Social Media Work Right

In the past, you might not have known how effective your social media marketing was, but now there are many tools available to you to allow you to measure the effectiveness of your campaign. Find out which posts are gaining the most traffic, which ones translate to clicks on your website, and which posts aren’t supporting our company at all.

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