Automotive SEO

Why Link Earning is So Important for Automotive SEO


There have been changes to Google and Bing over the last two years that rocked the old school search engine optimization styles. The art and science of link-building has (thankfully) been all but abolished, at least from a traditional sense. Today, it’s so important to earn links based upon high-quality content that people really want to share to their audience.

Google and Bing have not devalued inbound links despite notions of some SEOs to the contrary. If anything, they have increased the value that they assign to strong, organic, contextual links in ways that are extremely challenging to fake. You have to earn them. You have to put out the best possible content in a subject and then get that content in front of as many people as possible.

It’s hard. We know. We have seen SEO companies try and fail miserably at it because they’re usually trying to find a shortcut to the destination rather than pushing forward on the road that Google and Bing have clearly laid out for all of us. Here are some of the keys to link-earning in the modern realm of search engine optimization:

As we progress through 2014, remember that the old school link-building strategies may be dead, but the art of link-earning is alive and well. This is better for you (and us) because it allows for manual quality to supersede bulk systems. When quality is the concern, you’ll win most of the times through sheer effort and knowledge.

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