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Should Your Business Make Use of a Progressive Web App

Should Your Business Make Use of a Progressive Web App

When you’re trying to grow an audience that is engaged with your business, one way to do so is by offering a Progressive Web App (PWA).

These apps give users the look, feel, and functionality of a mobile application while being a fullyfunctioning website. If you’re tired of trying to make your website work better for mobile and you want to offer the functionality to your mobile audience, this is the way to do it.

Your Company and Users Will Benefit

A Progressive Web App Can Work Offline

Because users are mobile, they aren’t always going to be in a place where Wi-Fi or data access is available. These apps can work offline and give your customers the capability they need when they desire to review some information. If you have a small business, the brand logo, business information, and some of your features can be accessible when offline to give your customers the immediate information they desire.

These Apps Work Like Native Apps

Your users won’t have to visit their search engine to find information regarding your company or visit your website when you offer them a Progressive Web App. They can have an icon on their device screen which gives them access to the website, offering them the behavior of a native app on their mobile device.

Your Site Will Load Faster

Remember that most users won’t stay on a website that takes more than three seconds to load. With one of these apps,you can improve the load time of your site to give your users the speed they’re looking for when using their mobile device. This improved performance will keep visitors on your site instead of seeing them searching other sites because of load time issues.

Accessibility is Easier than With Other Apps

A user that finds your company through a search might want to visit your website often. When your company offers a Progressive Web App to users they don’t have to visit the app store for the download, an icon can quickly appear on their screen to give them easy access to the site through your app. This fast and easy access process makes a PWAdesirable to your audience.

You Can Offer Push Notifications

Similar to native apps, using a PWAfor your website allows you to offer push notifications to your users. This is an additional opportunity for your company to engage with those who have chosen to add your app to their mobile device and continue to receive promotions, information, and events through the push notifications you offer with your app.

Use a Progressive Web App to Grow Your Business

There’s no denying the fact that a PWA can give you additional ways to engage and retain customers. This app allows you to build loyalty and brings your information right to the mobile device your audience is using. Let’s look at some ways you can grow your business by offering a PWA to all customers that visit your website.

Push Messaging Can Add Value

Use messaging to offer your customers reminders, information, and event notifications to those who have signed up for your PWA. These messages can have high open rates, which means many customers are opening and reading your messages. This is a great way to offer incentives to your customers for their loyalty.

Your Most Important Content Can Be Easily Accessible

The most relevant and updated content can be sent directly to your customers via your Progressive Web App. When a user opens your app, they will find the latest information and know they can easily see what you have to offer. Whether you’re telling them about a new product, offering updated services, or showcasing new members of your team, it will be easy to offer this information through your PWA.

Another Great Way to Offer a Loyalty Program

You may have created loyalty programs through your social media channels, but you can do this through your Progressive Web App as well. Figure out how you can offer specials and incentives to customers for visiting your PWA and for keeping the icon on their mobile device.

Make Reviews Easier for Your Customers

Add a function within your PWA to give your customers easy access to review sites to give their opinion of your business. This should increase your positive reviews. Most people who routinely visit your PWA are going to be your loyal customers who come back to you often for the products and services that you offer.

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