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Reach Your Customers Through Music With Spotify Ads

Reach Your Customers Through Music With Spotify Ads

On Spotify, advertising is about as important as music, and the app’s creation campaign helps you make a splash in the world of digital ads.

Since the beginning of time, music has brought people together, inspired action and change, and sparked so many emotions in listeners. Today, music is more accessible than ever, thanks in part to streaming services such as Pandora and Spotify. The latter is the most popular music streaming service in the United States and the world, with over 350 million users.

A Huge Audience is At Your Fingertips

Of Spotify’s 381 million users, 209 million of them are not Spotify Premium members, meaning they take advantage of Spotify’s free music-streaming plan, and listen to ads every few songs. This is a huge audience that would be reached by your business’s advertisement.

Additionally, Spotify contains over 70 million songs of a variety of genres and artists. This vast and diverse collection of music draws a diverse audience to the app, too. So no matter what kind of audience- young, old, athletic, creative- you are advertising to, you’re bound to reach it on Spotify. With just one ad, you’ll be reaching millions and millions of potential customers.

Creating Your Ad

When it comes time to create your ad on Spotify, there are a lot of different options and tools your business can choose from to craft it to your liking. First, you can choose between an audio or a visual ad. Sure, Spotify is mostly an audio experience, so you may choose an audio ad to play between songs, but Spotify also runs visual ads when users are perusing the app. Next, you get to narrow your focus and find your target audience, which is something that very few other platforms let you do. Spotify gives you total control over which demographics, interests, and locations your ads will reach, which saves you time and energy. If your ads automatically reach your target audience, your advertising is more efficient.

There are also many different advertising plans based on your budget. If you’re just starting out in the digital marketing world and don’t have a lot of money to spend, Spotify’s Ad Studio has plans that start at $250. And if you have a bigger budget, there are more expensive, comprehensive plans as well.

Is it Worth it?

Advertising is one of the most important things for a business, but it needs to be effective in order to make a company successful. If your company advertises on Spotify, will there be results? The statistics seem to show so. Spotify reports that 60% of people have said that they pay more attention to ads they hear on Spotify, and 61% of people have found at least one new brand or product from hearing or seeing an ad on Spotify. Advertising on the widely popular music streaming service raises awareness of your brand and has an exceptional conversion rate.

Additionally, there have been success stories from brands that have created ads to put on Spotify. The skincare company ESPA used Spotify’s wide variety of tools to cater to their audience, increase their click-through rate, and increase profit. PepsiMax is another example of success. They figured that customers would be more likely to drink their soda in the summer, so they formed a business partnership with a company that planned business events during the summer. PepsiMax then used Spotify’s targeting tools to play ads to people listening to music near the events and experienced an explosion in brand recognition.

Advertising on Spotify is an incredible opportunity for businesses to advertise themselves to a wide, diverse audience of hundreds of millions of people. Spotify’s Ad Studio also provides companies with an incredible catalog of tools that help you create your ads, target a specific audience, and make yourself stand out from the crowd.

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