Automotive SEO

How To Plan Better Keywords For Your Dealership

How To Plan Better Keywords For Your Dealership

Optimization of your website is essential to your success and better keywords can make all the difference for your dealership.

There are several elements of your keywords that you need to keep in mind when you’re trying to find the most impactful terms touse. As a car dealership, the brands you sell are important, but so are the models, the trims, the features, and your geographic location.

Local SEO is a Must for a Car Dealership

No matter the online dynamics you’ve employed for your dealership, the fact remains, you have to physically bring a car to a customer or vice versa. It’s not the same as shipping a package via UPS or FedEx, a vehicle is much larger and harder to move. Because of this, using location tagging and geographic information will help you have better keywords for your dealership website.

Consider Better Keywords Based On Your Audience

What is the most common phrase searched for in your area? Narrow that down to what the most common way potential customers search for vehicles and you’re going to be on the right track. Are people searching for general terms such as used cars, new cars, car repair, or car specials or do they tend to look for specific brands and models? Most likely, your customer base begins with a general search before narrowing to the brand and model.

When you think about how your audience is searching, you can begin to build better keywords. Heavily searched terms might be “used cars near me” or “new trucks in my area” which are general but will result in many searches. Some customers may add “for sale” to the term and this will give them results that bring both dealers and private sellers to their screen.

Use the Right Tool for the Best Phrases

Typically, keywords should be made up of a term that is at least two words long. If you have keywords that are only one word, it’s going to be hard to be the top result on search engine pages. If you have a term that’s too long and specific, you may never be found. Balance these two by ensuring you use better keywords that have at least two words to them.

One of the most important tools to finding the right keywords is Google AdWords. This tool can help you plan out the phrase you want to use and give you an idea of how strong these terms are. Using this tool may offer you the benefits of secondary phrases that you may want to use in other content or as part of the main content as a tagged phrase that you incorporate.

Better Keywords Can be Used Easily

Just because a keyword stands out to you as one that you might want to use doesn’t mean it’s going to make sense when put into text content. This is an important factor if you expect to write a blog around the chosen keyword. Try to use the term you’ve selected in a sentence and try to put it at the beginning, middle, or end of that sentence to see if it should be the one you use.

Use a Mixture of Keyword Types

To have the best use of keywords in your content, you need to incorporate a mixture of short terms which are called head terms, and longer versions that are called long-tail keywords. A simple example of these two would be the term “used cars” could be a head term and “used cars for sale near me” is a long-tail keyword.

Use a Concise and Specific List for the Best Keyword Results

Better keywords can become terms that aren’t as impactful as you want if the list of terms is too long. Many times, car dealers will use too many keywords because they are trying to be at the top of every search engine results page when a related term is searched for. Narrow your list of keywords to some of the top performers and build better content around them.

Understand the Value to Determine Better Keywords

Using the right keywords has been one of the cornerstones of SEO and is an important part of bringing your website to the top of searches. Even so, there’s a lot more to SEO than just keywords, which means you need to employ SEO strategies that will ensure your website is viewed as an authority in the local automotive industry. Your keywords have value, but they aren’t the only part of how you reach the top of the search engine rankings.

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