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How to Adjust Your Strategy to Long-Tail Searches

How to Adjust Your Strategy to Long-Tail Searches

Online users are changing their search terms to the why and not just the what which makes long-tail searches important for your content.

These terms are longer and typically a part of a question that a user is trying to have answered. An example of this is the difference between “long-tail searches” and “what are long-tail searches?” which might seem like a small difference, but it is a significant change.

Why Add Longer Search Terms

You pay for every click on your content when you use keywords. If you’re paying for the keywords being used, you want them to be much more specific to your business, which means investing in the right terms. This means using keywords that are longer and give you more targeted clicks than general terminology. Think about the difference between the term “home for sale” and “four-bedroom home for sale in Charleston.” The second term is going to bring users to your content that are looking for what you’re selling and make paying for the click worth it for you.

Another reason to use long-tail searches is the opportunity to replace your paid advertising with organic traffic. If your keyword is longer and more specified, you have a better chance of being the website at or near the top of the Search Engine Results Pages. This means using the longer terms just might make your advertising more affordable with organic results instead of paid searches.

Research and Adjust your Strategy

Now that you know the benefits, you need to understand how to find the long-tail keywords for your searches that you want to use. It’s important to be finicky about these terms and understand they have much lower search volumes than head keywords and shorter terms. That shouldn’t matter, the conversion rate of longer terms are usually much higher than the shorter terms.

Filter Your Results

Use the keyword tool that you enjoy and filter the results to give you the lower-volume terms at the top. Begin to read through the list and see which terms could be useful to your company. Some aren’t going to make a lot of sense, but others will give you the term you want to incorporate in your content to experience the best overall results.

Incorporate the Long-TailKeywords for Searches in Your Content

Now that you have a list of terms that will work for your business, you need to figure out how to use a four to five-word term instead of one that is one to three words. Here are some great ways to incorporate and analyze your use of these terms.

Which Terms are Your Competitors Using?

Visit the website of your competitors and look up the content to see which keywords they are using. Are some of them on your list? If so, you simply need to create better content to enjoy the best long-tail searches for your content to rank right where you want it to.

Create Longer Content

Content should be longer for these key terms than for those terms where you only have one word in the key term. Your content for long-tail searches should be around 2,000 words to ensure it ranks better. Use one or two of these terms in your content so that you don’t appear to be keyword stuffing.

Use the Terms in Your Headlines and Meta Description

Your headlines and meta descriptions need to include your terms to help the content rank where you want it to. Ensure your headlines are catchy and will grab the attention of your audience that will be glad to consume what you offer online.

Don’t Forget the H-Tags

Not every H-Tag needs to have your long-tail keyword to build better searches, but a few of them should. This allows your users and the search engines to know that your next paragraph will be about the term that you’re using throughout the content.

Keep Your Content Natural

Sometimes, the keywords can be long and difficult to add to the content without making it sound choppy and unnatural. Make sure the sentences flow nicely and use the terms without forcing them into the content that would be makes it sound like you’re just trying to add this term for ranking purposes.

Tell the Story the Right Way

You need a convincing introduction and a compelling conclusion to ensure readers will want to learn more or connect with your company. The long-tail searches with the right terms can be part of this, but the quality of the content is the most important aspect of your SEO marketing.

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