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7 Timeless Internet Marketing Strategies You Should Deploy Today

7 Timeless Internet Marketing Strategies You Should Deploy Today

There are some timeless internet marketing strategies that have worked from the beginning of the first online search engine.

The Google algorithm continues to change, you don’t know how much content you should put on social media, things can be confusing. Online marketing can seem daunting and complicated, but you can simplify it when you choose to use some of these strategies for your marketing needs.

Content Marketing is a Must

No matter what you search for online, you’re presented with content. This is easily the backbone of the internet and it comes in many forms. Whether you’re looking at text, video, or image content, you’re seeing what the owner of a website has to share with you online. As one of the most timeless internet marketing strategies, the better and more impactful your content is, the more you’re going to show up at the top of the search pages when users are looking for what you offer.

Email Marketing

There is a direct channel of communication between your business and your current and potential customers. This channel is open through email to give you the right way to get your message to those on your email list. Your website can collect email information from visitors that enter their information on a contact page or through other means. This internet marketing strategy will make it easy for you to connect with customers and share your offers and current information in a personal way.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Using topics and keywords, you can ensure your website is optimized for those searching for what you have to offer. This is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO and it’s one of the basics to ensure your website shows up at or near the top of the results pages of Google and other search engines. Learn how to optimize and watch how quickly your website makes it to the first page of search engines.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Why do you market your business? You do this to get a conversion, or sale of the products and services you offer. If you can’t optimize your website to increase the conversion rate, you’re spinning your wheels and wasting your money. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is one of the most important internet marketing strategies you can employ to make sure you have the results you’re looking for. Learn how to use conversion-focused web design and copywriting to deliver the results that translate from leads to sales.

Social Media

Social media marketing has become one of the most timeless of internet marketing strategies when the first social media site showed up in the market. Everyone is using social media and so should your business. It’s not hard to do and it can be fun when you figure out what each social app has to offer. Learn about the different aspects of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other sites to figure out what you should be adding to make sure you offer users the content that shows your products, services, and company personality.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is where you pay a third-party to advertise in the ad space they own for your business. Some of the most popular are Google AdWords and Facebook Advertising. It can take time for these marketing channels to show your ads before you’ll see a profit or any return, but they do tend to work extremely well. You need to be present where your customers are and having ads that show up when they are online, helps to put you in front of them.

Influencer Marketing

Whether you look at this as the reviews that are put online through Yelp or directly on a website or the sharing of recommendations by friends and customers, influencer marketing is important to the success of your business. Good reviews help increase your credibility and offer the reputation of being a company that’s trusted. As one of the most important internet marketing strategies, you want to ask for good reviews and respond to any that you receive.

Bring it All Together: Measure Your Internet Marketing Results

With so many different ways to market your business online, it can be hard to know where to begin. Start with these timeless internet marketing strategies and creative ways to measure the results to know what you’re doing right. Make adjustments where you need to and enjoy seeing your name move up the search engine results pages as you implement strategies that have worked for many years.

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