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5 Autonomous Vehicle Stocks to Buy Now

5 Autonomous Vehicle Stocks to Buy Now

If you’re looking for somewhere to invest your money and think you want to try a new company, autonomous vehicle stocks offer something for you.

We’ve all heard of “getting in on the ground floor,” when it comes to investing or starting a business. The excitement of the ride that a new company and its stock can take you on is incredible. Of course, there’s a certain level of risk involved, but the next big thing in the automotive world should be autonomous vehicles. These are cars that can drive themselves, and some new and interesting companies are ready for your investment.

Chinese-Based Baidu is Leading the Way

Baidu is a company you’ve probably never heard of unless you’re familiar with some of the companies from China. This company is well-known for its Internet search engine and the AI Cloud system its developed. You might find good growth with Baidu because they have already developed some Intelligent Driving Initiatives, which will translate well to the autonomous vehicles we’ll see in the future.

In April, DongFeng Motor, one of the leading automakers in China, announced a partnership with Baidu. DongFeng will use the Apollo Self Driving system being developed by Baidu in one of its most popular vehicles. Recently, ROBO-01, a concept robocar developed by JIDU and backed by Baidu and Geely, was released. This concept car shows that this Chinese company isn’t far from offering autonomous vehicles on the road. If you’re looking for a company to invest in and want to get in early with one of the autonomous vehicle stocks offered, you should consider putting your money into Baidu.

Maybe AV Tech Will Come from the Safety Expertise of Luminar

Luminar specializes in safety and autonomy in the automotive world. This should indicate they have been researching and developing technology for self-driving cars for along time. There are two main segments that Luminar uses to operate and develop its technology: Autonomy Solutions, and Components. These two segments work to allow developed solutions to become applicable features that can be integrated into some of the cars we drive today. This is a company that might be ahead of many others when developing the autonomous technology we’ll see in the future.

The new Luminar partnership with ECARX, a Chinese automotive technology company, could put this stock over the top for you. These two companies are working to create features and technology that will lead into the self-driving world that should be the future. Between the history of creating safety tech, a proper testing process, and a new partnership, you should feel pretty confident putting your investment in Luminar. This could be the right one of the autonomous vehicles stocks to bring you an amazing return on your investment.

Alphabet is About Much More than the A-B-C’s of The Car World

Alphabet is an offshoot of Google and took the Google self-driving car project forward. This project has been going on for more than a decade and is known as Waymo. Not long ago, Waymo partnered with Chrysler for several of the hybrid Pacifica minivans to become testing models to offer self-driving taxi services in parts of Phoenix, Arizona. Much of the Waymo technology is used in vans and tractor-trailers to help improve safety, delivery times, and logistics.

Shipping demands continue to rise with many consumers enjoying the benefits of shopping from home and having items delivered right to their doorsteps. This has pushed Waymo to partner with Uber Freight to meet these demands. It can be easy to see how this agreement will help Alphabet and Google move things forward to the autonomous driving world. The solutions found will utilize the Uber Freight platform and offer more than personnel transportation. If you want to invest in a company that seems to be on the brink of a breakthrough, Alphabet might be the right one of the autonomous vehicle stocks for you.

Ambarella Offers a Side of Technology We Don’t Often See

Ambarella is a tech company you’ve probably never heard of, but it could be huge in the AV sector going forward. This company makes low-power system-on-a-chip semiconductors. This means it brings AI processing, image signal processing, and video compression to the market. This could be extremely important in autonomous cars of the future that will need extensive data collection and processing to create the systems that will work going forward.

Recently, Inceptio Technology, an autonomous truck company chose Ambarella’s systems for its automotive-grade central computing platform. This allows Inceptio vehicles to use this processing to keep their vehicles moving and enjoy the right processing power to compute and adjust using AI technology in real-time. This AI computing solution will help these vehicles stay safer on the road and avoid collisions. Could Ambarella be the right one of the autonomous vehicle stocks for you? If you’re searching for advanced computing technology, they certainly could be.

Right Now, Valeo is a Giant in this Automotive Sector

When you want to avoid a start up and you’re looking or a company that has a strong foothold in the AV market, Valeo could be the right company for you. This company designs, produces, and sells components, integrated systems, and services across the entire automotive industry. This France-based tech company visualizes its influence on the future of mobility. This won’t only be through AV tech, but also through greener, safer, and more diverse processes.

Valeo has made one of the largest and most recognizable partnerships among these five AV companies. They will supply Stellantis with its third-generation Scala Lidar system starting in 2023, allowing Stellantis vehicles to achieve Level 3 autonomous driving. This means that drivers can take their hands off the wheel for short periods of time. This is only one step away from these vehicles being fully autonomous, which Valeo will likely figure out soon. When you want to find one of the autonomous vehicle stocks with the greatest upside, you should probably consider investing in Valeo.

Which one of these autonomous vehicle stocks will you choose? All five have their merits and appear to give investors the right future expectations to feel confident in their potential growth.

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